“We were the first to use the information system in our work”, says Jasmina Knežević MD, founder and director of Bel Medic. “We had had it several years before others in the private sector and practically ten years before the state sector started to implement it”.

However, the company has grown and for the present level – which includes several locations in Belgrade and almost all fields of specialties, recently even a maternity ward – a system that was previously used has become insufficient, could not be further developed and it was necessary to implement a new one.


Heliant and new beginnings

“At first, I was disappointed because I realized that the old system was more in line with our business model than what was offered to us. Fortunately, we came across a team that was open and ready to cope with it, to start to adapt it to our needs and to further develop it.

However, we have not completed this program yet. We are actually halfway to something that I would be completely satisfied with”, says MD Knezević.


Costs and profit

“We are currently integrating our financial and information system, so we will be able to monitor the cost and profit centres more easily, to know how much each department has earned this month and what their costs were; to reach even the level of an employee, or a patient – to know how much exactly, directly and indirectly, each patient cost us, including cleaning ladies, cooks and other staff.

This is not easy to calculate. These are serious intellectual actions which many companies in the world have not even implemented yet. Once you succeed in it, then you really have control over your system”.



“We are also working on the liaison with insurance companies, and we are close to the solution. The idea is that there are no more papers, to reduce the possibility of errors and failures, to improve the process and reduce the resources, time and money we spend in communication between patients, insurance and us as a service provider.

We want everything to be scanned, automatized, and that even one day a computer could signal patients in advance which costs are covered by the insurance and which are not”.


At a click

“Now you can monitor a complete patient’s treatment, all his/her laboratory test results, X-ray examination results, all diagnostic reports and physician reports at a click. We have imported the data for whole families, we can also monitor family diagnoses and treatment.

Administration is also far easier. You can be anywhere in the world, and manage the company by phone from which you have access to all the information and data. An army of people would be needed to do what I can do now from a distance and from close – starting from computation, analysis, to verification of signatures and documents”.



“Everything is locked in this system, there are codes and rules what can be seen and by whom, which results cannot be read by everyone.

This is an aspect on which the Heliant team has worked a lot, and on which it still works. At that time, they began to think about it and made a visible step forward.

Our system is completely separate from the Internet. Computers in the system are not connected to the Internet, nor have the ability to download data via USB or some other media”.


Feel and React

“Our cooperation with Heliant was stressful at the moment, but that’s all part of the job. In the end, the result is what is important, and we forget how difficult the match was. If we win together – then we are all happy. We cannot praise them much, because they will become conceited. IT specialists have soared to the heights now, so we have to mind our words. Finally, in cooperation, the attitude is important. To have someone who listens to you and who reacts. And we have that”, MD Jasmina Knežević points out. If we win together – then we are all happy.

We cannot praise them much, because they will become conceited. IT specialists have soared to the heights now, so we have to mind our words.

Finally, in cooperation, the attitude is important. To have someone who listens to you and who reacts. And we have that”, MD Jasmina Knežević points out.