Business information system

Moneo is a modern business information system designed both for enterprises that wish to make significant improvements in business operations and achieve great savings, and to budget beneficiaries that now have a solution adapted to all specific features of their methods of work at their disposal.

Change the method of conducting your business operations


Full integrity of user business processes


Detailed reporting and better information flow


Faster and easier adapting to regulatory changes


Informed decision-making and planning

Solution that meets your needs

  • All the data are in one place
  • Elimination of surplus processes by automation
  • Functionalities can be chosen in accordance with your needs
  • Reduction of the possibility of making mistakes
  • Ensuring higher transparency in operation
  • Uniform appearance and behaviour of all parts of the system
  • Only basic computer literacy is required – no additional training is required

Safe and reliable

  • Access to information is limited by access rights
  • Each action is recorded per user, date and time of access
  • Data are protected from deletion
  • Data Backup

Integration and Support

  • Integration with Heliant Health information system
  • Automated data exchange with external systems and services
  • Team of consultants with long year experience in the implementation of business-information systems
  • Access to knowledge databases of great number of users

Framework statistics

Public institutions



Invoiced prescriptions

Module overview

Payroll accounting


  • Payroll accounting based on all types of contracts
  • Accounting of regular work hours (basic salaries, salary compensation and bonuses
  • Accounting of compensation to be refunded by the state (sick-leaves over 30 days, maternity leaves, disability pensions)
  • Accounting of compensation of costs and other proceeds (public transport allowance, business trip per diems, jubilee awards)
  • Accounting of incentives and disincentives
  • Data authentication before commencement of accounting
  • Unlimited number of test accounting sessions and advance payments before final accounting
  • Creation and printing of all legally prescribed forms and reports is supported

Cashier operations


  • Payment/Reimbursement Orders
  • Cash register accounting
  • Automatic creation of posting orders

Financial bookkeeping


  • Input and modifications of the layout of the chart of accounts
  • Posting orders
  • Automatic creation of posting orders based on the documentation available in the system
  • Transfer to other account/Assignment of account
  • Prescribed reports (General Ledger, Posting Journal, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement, etc.)
  • VAT accounting
  • Invoice verification
  • Search and review of posting orders

Warehouse operations


  • Codebooks of warehousing regimes, goods conformity and status
  • Distribution of goods in zones and warehouses
  • Transfer of goods between zones and warehouses
  • Warehouse cards per zone and warehouse per zone and warehouse
  • Current inventories per zone and series
  • Monitoring of inputs/outputs per zone
  • Accounting of received and issued invoices

Public procurement and contracts


  • Calling for public procurement
  • Recording and evaluation of bids
  • Entering into and recording contracts
  • Monitoring of contract performance (in terms of quantity and finances)



  • Control of arrival to work and access to protected premises
  • Alarm messages
  • Installation or integration with readers, electronic locks, gates and video surveillance
  • Creation and printing of all types of personalised cards
  • Integration with the payroll accounting systems

Integration with Heliant Health


  • Automatic purchase orders
  • Creation of internal dispensing based on purchase orders
  • Automatic transfer of internal purchase requisitions into external software
  • Automatic creation of the information on the received goods in the external software
  • Updating warehouse stock balance
  • Automatized takeover of invoices for rendered services from the healthcare

Personnel records


  • All the necessary employee information
  • History of data change
  • Records of natural persons
  • Basis for payroll and fee accounting
  • Advanced browsing system and possibility of printing results in the form of a report

Inventory and material accounting


  • Opening and maintaining an unlimited number of warehouses
  • Receipt and dispensing of goods with printing of the appropriate documentation
  • Inter-warehouse transfer orders
  • Retail sale (POS)
  • Levelling statement creation
  • Inventory taking
  • Goods sub-ledger account
  • Stock list
  • Automatic creation of posting orders
  • VAT accounting



  • Bill of materials
  • Work orders
  • Products, semi-products
  • Partial and final creation
  • Production accounting
  • Automatic creation of posting orders

Fixed assets and small inventory


  • Records of fixed assets and small inventory
  • Depreciation accounting
  • Revaluation accounting
  • Liquidation of fixed assets
  • Inventory taking



  • Income and expenditures plans
  • Orders for plan modifications
  • Reports and analyses

Serbian Health Insurance Fund


  • Electronic Invoice (input of data on services and consumed medicines and medical supplies)
  • Electronic check of insurance status (web service)
  • Automatic input of codebooks
  • Merging and processing of invoices from several sources
  • Integration with a new health insurance card



  • Complete solution for working with prescriptions and orders for medical aids invoiced to the Serbian Health Insurance Fund
  • Information on contraindications and medicines in cooperation with Lexicomp – Wolters Kluwer Health