We proudly announce the launch of the new version 8.0 of our health information system Heliant, which was put into production on 4 July at the Srpska Crnja Health Centre.


This version brings significant novelties and represents the first step in the general modernization of the company’s information systems.

The previous version, Heliant 7.7, successfully served healthcare facilities across the country, but the launch of version 8.0 made a big step towards more modern technologies.

The new version is based on latest technologies such as React JS, Java 21 and Java Spring Boot, which enables faster and more efficient work, as well as a better user experience.

We plan to continue modernizing the system in the upcoming years, so that more and more screens and functionalities will be transferred to new technologies. In this way, the Company keeps up with new trends in technologies, but also when it comes to UX/UI (User Experience – User Interface) design, constantly responding to user needs.

Providing superior service to healthcare facilities across the country remains our priority. Through constant innovation and adaptation to new technologies, Heliant strives to provide the best possible solutions for physicians, patients, medical staff and healthcare professionals.