Chairman of the Healthcare Alliance, Vukašin Radulović from the company “Heliant”, spoke about digitization as an engine of reforms.


Today, a session of the Healthcare Alliance of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) was held in hotel “Metropol Palace” in Belgrade.

After the opening remarks of NALED regulatory reform manager Isidora Šmigić and Milan Kovačević from the Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) program, the panel discussion “Reforms in healthcare – a new perspective” was opened.

Minister Zlatibor Lončar spoke on the panel about the priorities of the state and the Ministry of Health, while the Chairman of the NALED Healthcare Alliance, Vukašin Radulović from the company “Heliant”, delivered a presentation on digitization as a driver of reforms.

Vladimir Tipsarević from the company “NovoNordisk” spoke about the availability of modern therapies in Serbia, and Marija Rabrenović from the company “Medigroup” spoke about healthcare facilities and private practice.



According to Minister Lončar, the situation in healthcare is not satisfying. The minister emphasized the continuation of digitization as one of the priorities of the Ministry of Health, with a focus on the introduction of the e-sick leave system and EHR.

According to the minister, digitization of healthcare leads to the establishment of a transparent system that would enable doctors to see the costs of patient treatment, how assets are allocated and where they are invested, how many employees we have in the healthcare system, the quantity of available medicines, etc.

The minister particularly has emphasized that for the integration of private and state healthcare sector it would be necessary for private institutions to clearly define their prices. It is also important that these prices are available to patients and that they are regularly updated and follow the market trend.

Radulović added that in addition to large projects of digitization of the healthcare system, there should also be smaller projects that make patients’ lives easier. Large European hospitals could serve as a model for this.

NALED is the largest private-public association in our country, which brings together more than 350 companies, local governments and non-governmental organizations that work together to create better conditions for life and work in Serbia.

At the initiative of its members, NALED formed the Healthcare Alliance in 2018, in order to help establish a more efficient healthcare system at the local and national level.


Insert from TV News “Dnevnik”, broadcasted on RTS1, in the video below:


*Video downloaded from RTS (